Kazimira написал(а):That's what little girls are made of.
What are adult girls made of?
What are adult boys made of?
Sex and money
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Kazimira написал(а):That's what little girls are made of.
What are adult girls made of?
What are adult boys made of?
Sex and money
Sex and money
It sounds sadly...
serrok написал(а):Sex and money
It sounds sadly...
Why? It's true...
Why? It's true...
You could say - love and happiness
You could say - love and happiness
But this not true
Happy Epiphany!
Jan 19th is The Epiphany for Russian Orthodox believers. Because it is believed that Jesus was baptized on this day, it is believed that all water becomes holy on this day and is imbibed with special health-giving powers. So, Russians cut through the thick January ice on rivers and lakes... and jump in.
Usually the hole is cut in the shape of a cross and sometimes a smaller cross is carved from the ice lifted from the lake. The ice cross is then placed at the head of the hole.
The temperature today in Moscow was about 9 degrees Fahrenheit. In Irkutsk it was about 5.
У меня беда с переводом, все слова знаю, а перевести нормально не могу..
У меня беда с переводом, все слова знаю, а перевести нормально не могу.
Вольный перевод:
Виндовс не может найти файл. Может хотите вместо этого выпить вина?
P.S. Тут игра слов: wine - вино, и wine - средство, позволяющее запускать программы Windows под OS Linux
Может хотите вместо этого выпить вина?
It is a good idea
It is a good idea
I prefer vodka
Pure vodka? Without anything?
Pure vodka?
Yes, of course
Without anything?
Nothing more
Heartwarming moment of the day,6.03.2013: He's 101, she's 97.. they've been married for 80 years!! Yes, 80 years!
They look so good and happy. It's so wonderful to be with one person for that long and to still be on this earth. The secret is love and getting along together.
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