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I study english

Сообщений 121 страница 140 из 226


serrok написал(а):

Happens in different ways. But if women to cry, I want to kill.

Whom do you want to kill? A crying woman or yourself?


Gala1 написал(а):

Whom do you want to kill? A crying woman or yourself?

I'm sure, he wants to kill a woman... Those men! http://uploads.ru/i/d/y/b/dybcQ.gif
But in my opinion it's normal for women to cry sometimes... It is a way to survive... http://uploads.ru/i/x/W/8/xW8Fz.gif


Gala1 написал(а):

Whom do you want to kill? A crying woman or yourself?

All and myself too.

ВОРОБЕЙ написал(а):

But in my opinion it's normal for women to cry sometimes... It is a way to survive..

Save yourself and bury a man... Women...


serrok написал(а):

Save yourself and bury a man.

Why bury? Who told about funeral? http://uploads.ru/i/Q/T/p/QTp4w.gif  Do you think that "save" and "survive" have the same meanings? Honestly I cry when my husband is away because he hates tears too... Men... http://uploads.ru/i/j/p/X/jpXD9.gif


ВОРОБЕЙ написал(а):

But in my opinion it's normal for women to cry sometimes..

It is better for women to smile.. http://uploads.ru/i/K/H/i/KHiVc.gif


Kazimira написал(а):

ВОРОБЕЙ написал(а):

    But in my opinion it's normal for women to cry sometimes..

It is better for women to smile.. http://uploads.ru/i/K/H/i/KHiVc.gif

Absolutely agree! But who could smile every time? It may be strange. http://uploads.ru/i/R/B/G/RBGvi.gif


ВОРОБЕЙ написал(а):

Honestly I cry when my husband is away because he hates tears too... Men...

I very sympathize with hard women destiny but I don't now why man die before woman...

ВОРОБЕЙ написал(а):

It may be strange.

No, it is wonderful :)


serrok написал(а):

why man die before woman...

Which man and woman do you mean? Their names? Paroles?
Seriously, yes, statistic says that women live longer than men... But it's opposite in my family. My daughter has 2 grandfathers and no grannies...


serrok написал(а):

No, it is wonderful

I have a thing to say on it but I'm afraid it could sound rude. http://uploads.ru/i/n/Q/O/nQOyj.gif


Анекдот про меня, на аглицкую тему. Греция, таверна у моря, пожилой грек еле успевает обьслуживать клиентов. Мы уже все давно съели, но счет нам так и не несут. Я без конца посыдлаю призывные улыбки, дедушка мне отвечает тем же, но подходить не спешит. Встаю. Я же самая "англоговорящая" в нашей компании, мне и идти. В голове фраза " I want to pay", с ней и подхожу, но почему то выпаливаю "I want to play".  У дедушки глаза на лоб - понятное дело, тетенька наелась и теперь ей подавай "десерт". Свой ляп я поняла, когда он после долгой паузы, произнес "play or pay". Скажу честно, было стыдно. Но не за английский, а за свой моральный облик в его глазах.


Кассир написал(а):

было стыдно. Но не за английский, а за свой моральный облик

Great! http://uploads.ru/i/R/y/6/Ry6mA.gif


serrok написал(а):

I don't now why man die before woman...

Because they are afraid of being left in this world without women.


ВОРОБЕЙ написал(а):

But it's opposite in my family. My daughter has 2 grandfathers and no grannies...

This is no good.

Sorry ladies, i gotta go to sleep.


serrok написал(а):

i gotta go to sleep

Have a good dream. http://uploads.ru/i/o/R/v/oRvxO.gif


serrok написал(а):

Sorry ladies, i gotta go to sleep.

Good night and sweet dreams to you.


Gala1 написал(а):

Because they are afraid of being left in this world without women.



Good morning! have a good weekend!

A song about crying.... special for serrok. http://uploads.ru/i/C/w/e/CweiB.gif


ВОРОБЕЙ написал(а):

special for serrok

When i was a little boy, my grandmother said: Cry, my boy, cry. If many tears, a little pee.



serrok написал(а):

If many tears, a little pee.

Did you have a pee problem in your childhood? http://uploads.ru/i/x/W/8/xW8Fz.gif
Or did you have a very wise and nice granny? http://uploads.ru/i/A/x/M/AxMZV.gif


ВОРОБЕЙ написал(а):

Did you have a pee problem in your childhood? 
Or did you have a very wise and nice granny?


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